Title and credits done for a movie called ‘Khargosh’ (Rabbit), directed by Mr. Paresh Kamdar and produced by Mr. Rishi Chandra. He wanted all the credits and title in Hindi which suits the film’s tone and flavour.
Director’s own word:
“It is really too good! I will go for this option. It has got everything. The restrained flourish of the tails– their ends merging into the black; the texture within the letters, their complex tonality and its position–right toppish also dynamises the black background. All these together create terrific complexity which is very reflective of the complexity that Bantu* experiences in his journey in the film. Very Good Work!!! THANKS!!!”
* Protagonist of the film.
Director’s own word:
“It is really too good! I will go for this option. It has got everything. The restrained flourish of the tails– their ends merging into the black; the texture within the letters, their complex tonality and its position–right toppish also dynamises the black background. All these together create terrific complexity which is very reflective of the complexity that Bantu* experiences in his journey in the film. Very Good Work!!! THANKS!!!”
* Protagonist of the film.
As always..brilliant calli at wrk...loved it!
how long did this work take you?
loved it!
Thanks Sachin!
It took me almost a week to do 16credits and one title. Of course there were alterations, changes in size, technical issues etc. But I enjoyed it.
Keep in touch and keep reading leehkin.
Thanks Juee and SwatiC
Keep reading I am going to post some more...
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